Councillors clash over mayoral car

Paul Dunlop
CARDINIA’S mayoral car was at the centre of a verbal clash last week between Cardinia councillors Doug Hamilton and Bill Ronald.
Cr Ronald reacted angrily to comments by Cr Hamilton that Cardinia’s mayor should set a better, more environmentfriendly example for ratepayers and steer away from driving a V8 or similar. Cr Ronald, who drove a V8 car during his mayoral term, said he took the comments as a personal attack.
Cr Ronald said Cardinia’s mayor traditionally drove a sixcylinder car but he preferred the car he said was previously driven by former council CEO Don Welsh.
The Central Ward councillor, whose term as mayor ended on 4 December, said he could have used a brand new car if he wanted but was happy to drive an older model.
“I take exception to the claim I was driving a gas guzzler. I could have ordered a new car but I don’t care what I drive,” Cr Ronald said.
“Cr Hamilton didn’t mind when the car was being driven by somebody else but now all of a sudden he’s jumping up and down. I am sick of the snide remarks about driving a V8.”
Cr Ronald said the mayor needed a big car and had to do a lot of driving around to functions, often with several passengers. He said the difference in fuel costs would have been negligible.
Cr Hamilton stood by his comments, saying he had not meant to cause offence but maintained his view that the mayor should not drive a V8.
“I was not having a shot at Cr Ronald, but if he has got his nose out of joint so be it,” he said.
“My viewpoint is that in this day and age you can’t justify driving a V8. All I said was that if I was elected mayor, that’s something I would change.”