Reckless drivers put lives at risk

By Paul Dunlop
SPEEDhappy hoons are putting their lives — and those of other motorists — at risk, police said on Monday.
Sergeant Peter Garton of the Cardinia Traffic Management Unit spoke out on the need for care on local roads after a series of vehicles travelling at excessively high speeds were picked up by police last week.
Two motorists had their cars impounded under the new antihoon laws. A motorcyclist was also intercepted after riding at speeds of up to 140km/h in a 90km/h zone at Officer.
Sgt Garton said police took a dim view of motorists who took such a “total disregard” of road laws.
“Travelling at those sorts of speeds is very reckless and poses a high risk to all other motorists,” he said.
Police on Friday clocked a 20yearold Pakenham man driving at more than 130km/h in an 80km/h zone.
The driver’s licence was suspended and his car unregistered, Sgt Garton said. The car was seized and impounded and the man would be charged on summons with several offences, police said.
On Sunday, 4 February, a 20yearold Tynong North man was picked up doing 150km/h along the South Gippsland Highway at Lang Lang.
Police said the motorist had only recently collected his car after it was impounded at Pakenham three days earlier.
The motorist faces charges including exceeding the speed limit, driving an unsafe vehicle and improper use of a vehicle. Police would also be applying to have the man’s car, a utility, surrendered for up to three months under the antihoon laws, Sgt Garton said.
The motorcyclist, a 32yearold Pakenham man, was unlicensed and the bike was also unregistered, police said.
He faced fines totalling $1429 as well as the loss of eight demerit points and a 12month loss of licence.
Sgt Garton urged motorists to do the right thing on the roads.
He said Cardinia region police would be out in force this weekend as part of the statewide Operation Unrider which focused on motorcyclists.
“We’ll be out doing safety checks, checking registration and licences,” he said.