Residents rev up antiport rail protest

Sarah Schwager
CONCERNED residents from across the southeast turned up in force on Sunday to protest against the proposed Port of Hastings development plan.
Meeting in Cardinia, Cranbourne and Frankston, a huge convoy of trucks, horse floats, trailers and cars decked out with streamers and huge banners rolled into Hastings with horns beeping and their lights flashing.
The rally, organised by the Southern Victorian Community Action Group (SVCAG), caused a stir in the media with television crews on hand for the first time, flashing the issue across the evening’s news broadcasts.
Cardinia resident and SVCAG president Catherine Manning said people gave their undivided attention as they heard from environmental scientist Dr Brian Cuming about the devastation the port would cause to the bay and marine life, and from John Price, an economist, who gave some alarming insights into the figures coming out of the proposal for Western Port and Port Phillip.
Federal Flinders MP Greg Hunt also spoke, opposing the rail and transport corridors but encouraging environmentally sensible port development.
Mrs Manning said Jim Reiher of the Greens Party revved people up and spoke about how to take action and encouraged people not to be misled by personal sentiment from politicians.
“I then spoke about my concerns about the rail corridor through my backyard, but encouraged people to also look at the bigger picture and realise there’s a lot more at stake here namely our fragile environment and our Western Port Bay,” she said.
Mr Hunt called on the government to immediately guarantee that no railway is built through Clyde, Devon Meadows, Tyabb, Pearcedale, Cardinia or their surrounds.
“My position is clear. There should be no railway through the heart of our local communities,” he said.
“A railway freight line through these areas would break up some of the best farming land in Victoria, destroying local homes and livelihoods.”
Mrs Manning said the consequences of the port development needed to be looked at seriously from an environmental as well as social and economical perspective.
“We are not playing politics here, we are just making sure they do the right thing.
“You can’t ask for much more than that,” she said.
There will be two information sessions held on the development plan this Saturday hosted by the Port of Hastings Corporation (PoHC) and facilitated by the City of Casey and Cardinia Shire.
They will be held in Doveton from 2pm to 4pm at the Doveton Neighbourhood Place in Oak Avenue and in Pakenham from 10am to noon at the Cardinia Cultural Centre.
Residents have until 14 March to send submissions on the Port of Hastings Land Use and Transport Strategy. Call the PoHC on 5979 5500 for more information.
People can also call SVCAG on 5998 8182 or visit