Serve customers better

ADVICE on how to make the most of existing customers will be the focus of the first Cardinia Business Breakfast for 2007.
Michael Dowling, strategic account manager of AchieveGlobal, will deliver a presentation aimed at the diverse Cardinia business community.
Cardinia Shire business development officer Frances Grigoriou said: “Michael Dowling is a very experienced speaker who will have advice for a range of business from the small retail operators to large companies.
“He will share with the business community the four keys to customer loyalty and what customers are looking for in your sales process,” she said.
Ms Grigoriou said customer loyalty can swing quickly and many of Mr Dowling’s techniques were about keeping existing customers by exceeding their expectations.
Ms Grigoriou said Cardinia Development had earmarked 2007 as the year of networking.
She said she encouraged everyone to take advantage of the opportunity the breakfast presented to network, to bring colleagues and customers together and to hear from an engaging speaker.
“Sixty people attend the last business breakfast and Cardinia’s Economic Development team is aiming to reach 100 attendees at a breakfast in 2007,” she said.
The event will be held at the Cardinia Cultural Centre on Thursday, 15 February, starting at 7am. The cost is $35 per person, which includes a cooked breakfast.
For further information or to book to attend contact Cardinia Development on 5945 0400.