WHEN students at Beaconhills College Berwick campus celebrated International Week, classroom activities for the last week of last term centred around an international theme.
Last Thursday students had a dressup day and lunch was an international affair with food from different cultures.
Students visited each other’s classrooms and had their “passports” stamped, with each year level representing a different country.
Lessons over the week focused on awareness of the international world.
On the Tuesday Daniel Scoullar, who was a volunteer in East Timor last year, and Jan Trezise, president of the Friends of Ermera/Friendship Schools Group, spoke to the students about East Timor.
The students did some fundraising on Wednesday. A coin trail was held to raise money for East Timor and the Royal Children’s Hospital Appeal.
The students brought along fivecent coins and laid them side by side to see which house could raise the most money.
On last day of the school term an Easter service was held followed by an Easter Egg hunt.