When grey is green

By Jim Mynard
GREY water irrigation technician and author Wendy Van Dok will be guest speaker at the next Australian Plant Society meeting.
The meeting will be in the administrative building, Wilson Botanic Park (WBP), Princes Highway, Berwick at 7.45pm on Tuesday, 10 April.
Ms Van Dok will discuss the use of grey water on home gardens and whether it can help keep gardens alive during water restrictions.
Wendy van Dok has been described as a guru of waterefficient gardening. She is an aquatic biologist as well as a talented landscape designer and also advises people on waterefficient garden design.
She has almost a decade of experience in water resource management, grey water irrigation, water quality management, water efficient landscape design and water related environmental legislation and regulations.
Ms Van Dok will discuss general water issues such as water restrictions and State Government rebates as well as grey water irrigation, including regulations, public health issues, chemicals in detergents and cleaners, treatment systems and how to set up a simple diversion system at home.
She is author of The WaterEfficient Garden, a book of practical advice for the home gardener on water efficiency planning and design, how to improve the soil’s ability to harvest water, as well as irrigation and rainwater tanks.
Australian Plant Society members maintain native plants in WBP car park.
Many of the natives in the park are still flowering despite low rainfall and the summer heat.
Ms Van Dok will explain why and how plants can grow and flourish without using precious water.
All are welcome and supper will be served at the conclusion of the evening.
Further details are available from Joy Buck on 5998 7608.