By Jim Mynard
LONG serving Berwick Library volunteer Joyce Hayes was reelected president of the Berwick Mechanics Institute and Free Library at the institute’s 143rd annual meeting on Wednesday, 15 March.
Vice presidents are Pam Darling and John Miller, treasurer Graham Hughes and secretary Edwina Vaughan.
Committee members are Judith Dwyer, Ian Good, Linda Burridge, Marie Livera, Christine Pritchard and Joy Studd.
Mrs Hayes reported a busy year for the library and warmly thanked the team of library volunteers.
She particularly thanked the City of Casey for its ongoing support.
“We are very grateful that the council displays so much interest in the library.
Mrs Hayes presented 20year service medals to Barbara Jackson, Audrey Jensen and Kirsty Lottkowitz, and a 10year badge to Marie Livera.
She said the group held an end of year party at the Old Cheese Factory, Berwick, where we welcomed new volunteers Pam McDonald, Janine Byrne and Maggie Van de Pac.
“We then presented scrolls to members who have retired or are unable to stay with us because of ill health.
“Professor Miller produced some great commemorative scrolls and we thank him for his work.”