By Elizabeth Lillis
THE Liberal State MP for Bass, Ken Smith, has called on the Bracks Government to save the Lang Lang jetty, the remaining long jetty in Western Port Bay.
Mr Smith said there was enormous community support for it being repaired.
The jetty has been closed for two years and damaged sections have been removed.
A government spokesman said the Lang Lang Jetty was closed because of safety concerns.
During the closure Parks Victoria explored the jetty issue with key stakeholders, including local fishing groups, historic interest groups and other user groups.
“It was decided that, given the jetty’s poor condition and its limited availability to boaters throughout the year because of tidal variations, it be dismantled as opposed to making costly repairs,” the spokesman said.
Jack Dyt, the spokesman for the Save the Lang Lang Jetty Campaign, which is supported by the Lang Lang Foreshore Committee, said members were keen to know what the Government was going to do after announcing the jetty was beyond repair.
Mr Dyt said he had been told by Parks Victoria, which is responsible for the jetty, that it would be removed and that a fishing platform might be put in place.
But that was “not good enough”, he said.
Mr Dyt said the group had a preference for the jetty being restored, but it was keen to talk about other solutions such as replacement or partial rebuilding to make the area usable for fishing and boating. A clear commitment of some kind was needed.
“We need a clear time frame and a commitment,” he said.
It is estimated $300,000 would be needed to restore the jetty.
Mr Dyt said unsuccessful efforts had been made to apply for various government grants to have the jetty repaired. These included applications to the Marine Safety Victoria’s Boating Safety and Facilities Program and the Department of Primary Industries, Recreational Fishing Grant Program.
MP Mr Smith said the State Government was responsible for letting the jetty fall into disrepair and needed to do something to restore or replace the asset.
“Before the State Election, the Liberal Party pledged to use $100,000 from the Recreational Fishing Licence Fund to pay for a major upgrade of the jetty,” he said.