I AM disgusted by Cardinia Council’s rejection of the proposal for a childcare centre at Ryan Road in Pakenham, which the council itself described as a “ground breaking facility”.
This proposal would not only employ more than 40 members of our community, but also provide a resort for our little ones. Where else in Australia does a childcare facility like this exist? We had the opportunity to have it in our own community, yet the proposal was rejected. This centre would incorporate not only swimming, horse riding and animals, it would also have a tennis court and a mini golf course.
Those who read the article on this rejection (Gazette, 5 April) would be puzzled by the refusal. It had all the positives, but was still rejected. Why?
Cardinia mayor Bill Ronald and Cr Lempriere both need to rethink their positions at council because decisions such as this will not have them reelected.
Kelly Dickson,