By Jim Mynard
CASEY manager of planning Bob Baggio said on Tuesday that permits had been approved and cleared for a licensed cafe to open at Pioneers Park, Berwick.
This followed complaints that a promised restaurant at the park had not eventuated months after the park was officially opened.
National Trust Casey Cardinia Branch president Ruth Crofts said the trust was concerned about the restaurant.
Mrs Crofts said the branch planned to establish in the old school building alongside the restaurant.
Part of the whole deal was that security would be provided.
“If we go in with no activity our room will be vulnerable.
“Also the council is losing rent revenue because of the delay,” she said.
Berwick businessman and landlord Ron Curry also expressed concern that the facility was being left vacant.
“There is no sign of the building being fitted out for a restaurant,” he said.
Casey Council on Tuesday, 28 February approved an application for the restaurant to operate.
But Mr Baggio said the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal said last Friday that no appeals had been lodged and the permit was clear.
“The papers will be in the mail,” he said.
Two objections to the application were received on the grounds that it was too close to other licensed premises, children and that young people would be exposed to drinking in surrounding park, littering and vandalism.
Objectors said also that the park was meant to be developed as a formal passive central town park for the community.
They said the community would be subjected to acts of violence because of a lack of security and that noise levels would rise.
The report said objections tended to focus on the possible problems that may be caused by the abuse of alcohol from people drinking at the premises and the problems that this may cause.
“In relation to this, it is important to note that in addition to the issue of a planning permit a liquor licence will be required from the Department of Justice.
“Undesirable or inappropriate behaviour linked to irresponsible serving of alcohol could lead to suspension or cancellation of a licence.”
The report said a permit would allow use of the premises for a cafe with a function room.
“The building does not directly adjoin residential properties being separated by a road or public open space.
“The premises is also on the periphery of the Berwick Village commercial area.”
The council permit allows the sale of and consumption of liquor from the cafe between 7am and 7pm except on Good Friday and Anzac Day when the times are noon to 7pm.
Refreshments can be served from the function centre between 11am and 11pm except on Good Friday and Anzac Day when they can be served from noon to 11pm.
The proprietor said no comment about the restaurant could be made until the permits were received.