CEO job turmoil

By Jim Mynard
ATTEMPTS by Mayfield Ward councillor Kevin Bradford to have Casey chief executive Mike Tyler’s position advertised have shocked mayor Colin Butler.
Cr Bradford moved to have the council’s chief executive position advertised almost a year before this was necessary.
But, Cr Butler said Cr Bradford’s action had not only destabilised the chief executive, but other senior council staff.
“I have no idea why the action was taken,” he said.
Cr Bradford denied categorically that he had attacked Mr Tyler by putting his job under threat.
Cr Bradford, after officers were asked to leave the Tuesday, 6 March council in camera committee meeting, moved that the chief executive officer’s position be advertised in the spirit of ensuring good governance.
The council later found that the motion was in breach of the rules and became redundant.
He then moved in a notice of motion during the Tuesday, 20 March council meeting that the council consider a contractual matter.
After some discussion he added ‘that the matter be regarding street sweeping and be discussed in camera’, but eventually withdrew the motion, which appeared meaningless.
But, Cr Butler is upset about the move because of its destabilising impact on staff.
“This long lead time is not needed, even if we do agree to advertise the position,” he said.
“Even if either party wanted a change we have a fourmonths’ notice clause and the consultants tell me that we need only two months if we have to appoint a new chief executive.
“We can’t make a decision outside six months and after that is when we should speak with him.
“This has been raised nearly a year before it was needed.
“I find Cr Bradford’s action and that of other councillors extraordinary when they start something like this eight months before it is needed, if it is needed.
“The thing is that Mr Tyler has an extraordinary knowledge of the City of Casey and the extended area.
“I just can’t figure this out.”
Cr Bradford said he could not understand why everyone was being so protective of the chief executive.
He also denied that it was part of his attack on the council’s maternal and child health service and Casey director of community services, Jennie Lee.
“The fact is Mike Tyler’s contract comes up for renewal next year and we should test the market,” he said.
“The Local Government Department says the process has to be started six months before his term ends if we are to appoint a new chief executive.
“If we reappoint him we have to start no less than four months out because the contract has a fourmonths’ notice clause for both parties.”
Cr Bradford said it was better to start the process a year out to give everyone a chance to apply.
“Also, Mr Tyler would be entitled to apply and if he is good enough he would be reappointed,” he said.
Cr Bradford said the council would need to employ a consultant and that four months would not be enough time to get a new chief executive if Mr Tyler left it to the last minute to resign.
“I’m not saying I’m not happy with Mike Tyler but I don’t know why everyone is being so protective of him,” Cr Bradford said.
“When I was mayor I was supportive of senior officers.
“The only time I have publicly questioned a council officer was over the MCH service and then I questioned the department, not its director, Jennie Lee.
“I never at any time said Ms Lee wasn’t doing a good job.
“Mr Tyler has been Casey chief executive for 10 years and I believe it is fair and reasonable that after that time we should see what else is out on the market.
“I am saying we market test and that he be invited to apply for the job.”
Cr Bradford said seeking an opinion from Mr Tyler on whether he wants to stay in the job was the role of the mayor, Cr Butler.
Mr Tyler declined to comment on the issue.