CASEY Council will not go ahead with plans to create a coat of arms.
Springfield Ward councillor Lorraine Wreford said during the Tuesday 7 February council meeting that a coat of arms was an expensive item and was something out of the 17th or 18th century.
Four Oaks Ward councillor Rob Wilson asked in April 2005 that the council consider the establishment of a City of Casey Coat of Arms under Australian Law.
A report on the request was considered during September and the council resolved to proceed with the process of design and implementation of the coat of arms.
However, nothing happened at officer level and Cr Wreford asked for a progress report on 24 January.
In the report, Casey manager of administration Ian Sparrow said nothing was undertaken due to workload commitments.
Mr Sparrow said no funds were available and as such the project would not be progressed in the foreseeable future.
Cr Wreford successfully moved that the idea be abandoned.
She said the council should be looking forward not backward.
Balla Balla Ward councillor Colin Butler said a coat of arms could cost the council as much as $7000.
“What would we do with it?” he said.
Cr Butler said the council had a coat of arms in the form of the Casey emblem.