Council’s working party backs motor plan

By Jim Mynard
THE Cardinia Casey Joint Working Party for Regional Motor Sports has agreed to support the Wayne Maslen application to establish a motor sports facility at Pakenham.
The recommendation to support Mr Maslen’s venture came from a meeting of the committee held at the Casey civic centre on Thursday, 15 September.
Committee member Mayfield Ward councillor Kevin Bradford said he wasn’t sure whether or not the working party support for the Maslen proposal had enhanced the chances of getting a motor sports facility for the southeast.
Cr Bradford said it appeared to him that the Shire of Cardinia was opposed to the idea.
However, Cardinia mayor Garry Runge said Cardinia Council had not opposed Mr Maslen’s plan.
He said the matter came before the council last November but with insufficient information for planning officers to make a recommendation.
“Mr Maslen then took the matter to VCAT on the grounds that the council failed to make a decision.
“We could not make a decision because we were not given sufficient information.
“Had Mr Maslen provided the information the matter would have been settled long ago,” he said.
Cr Runge said he supported the concept of a regional motor sports facility in the most appropriate place.
“The site must withstand resident objections and will need to satisfy the authority that the acoustic levels can be kept within the prescribed level.
“We would also need to be sure that suitable insurance was in place.”
Cr Runge said that although the working party agreed to support Mr Maslen’s application that did not mean that the council did or would.
“We are in the position that we have to wait for the VCAT decision, but it would have been in Mr Maslen’s interest to have provided the information requested.
“We cannot determine on a matter if we do not receive enough information,” he said.
Both Cr Runge and Cr Bradford said Mr Maslen held the only land available that could be used for the facility.
They both agreed that land in the green wedge and land on the sewerage authority site at Pakenham had been ruled out as possible sites.
Cr Bradford said he was concerned that if all concerned did not work to obtain Mr Maslen’s site for the sport then it would not happen.
He said studies had shown there was no site available in the City of Casey that would satisfy noise standards.
“Mr Maslen has the vision we need, but he also needs expertise to put forward a business plan to meet the requirements of both the City of Casey and the Shire of Cardinia.
“We need to see things like a VicRoads report to be sure that ingress and egress from the Pakenham Kooweerup Road can meet standards.
“If that is acceptable, then I believe the only other problem would be noise and a satisfactory noise attenuation report.”
Cr Runge said the Cardinia Council had agreed to obtain a report from VicRoads on access to the site from the Kooweerup Road.
Cr Bradford said if problems surrounding Mr Maslen’s application could be overcome then the result would be good for both municipalities and for motor sports.
“This with the possibility of an indoor motor sports centre to be built at Hallam, would provide excellent facilities for motor sports, particularly for young people.
“We need to keep the young riders off the road.
“It would be a Godsend if both facilities can be achieved,” he said.