‘HELLO’ Day will be celebrated in the City of Casey as part of the 33rd annual World Hello Day on Monday.
Casey chief executive Mike Tyler suggested people say hello to a new neighbour or as many people as they like.
Mr Tyler said the day celebrated the simple message of ‘hello’, which could break down barriers, encourage greater connections and help make new residents across the city feel welcome.
“The City of Casey is one of the fastest-growing municipalities in the country, and encouraging residents in building strong communities is an important element in making Casey such a great place to live,” he said.
“Why not celebrate the day by simply saying ‘hello’ to someone you haven’t had the chance to speak to before?
“Or send a free ‘hello’ card to a neighbour you would like to meet or to welcome someone new to the neighbourhood.”
Casey has a limited number of free ‘hello’ cards printed as part of the World Hello Day initiative.
It has the word ‘hello’ translated in various global languages to reflect Casey’s culturally diverse community.
Hello postcards are available from Casey customer service centres and various other locations, including libraries, neighbourhood houses, and community learning centres.