THEME: A vision of God. Aim: To recognise that God is awesome.
The scripture from the book of Isaiah chapter 6 confirms what an awesome and mighty God we have. Isaiah had a vision of the Lord, who appeared to him with seraphs shouting ‘holy, holy, holy is the Lord All-Powerful! The earth is filled with your glory.’
Isaiah was frightened because he declared himself to be a sinful man, as was everyone else around him. The Lord forgave his sins and commissioned him to go forth to the people and speak for Him.
The evidence strongly indicates that the young Isaiah was a confident person, used to being around the temple and royal court.
Isaiah’s first reaction when the Lord appeared to him was an immediate awareness of his own spiritual uncleanliness, weakness and limitations.
When God absolved him of his iniquities and sins, Isaiah continued to listen to God and, in response to what he had heard, was willing to be used by God even though the task ahead would be difficult.
Praise our awesome God.
Regular weekly events
Sunday: 10am: Sunday Worship; 10.20am: Childrens’ Church (school term only).
Tuesday: 9.30am: Exercise group; 11am: Bible Study.
Wednesday: Corps Officers Visitation; 7.30pm: Bible Study.
Thursday: 9.30am – 11.15am: Playgroup (school term only).
Friday: 10am – noon: Christian Bookshop and Coffee Shop. 5.30pm: Hotel Ministry.
Saturday: Corps Social Events.