Be on call for a great cause

RED Cross needs more callers to help cope with the 2006 Red Cross Calling Appeal.
Red Cross is one of my favourite charities and I always feel good about the enormous amount of money donated to the March Red Cross Calling appeal.
Especially, to the near record-breaking City of Casey annual appeal.
This doesn’t just happen because each year a small group of people from throughout the district come together to organise teams of house callers.
Each caller is asked to spend about two hours on the job, but with the rapid demographic expansion in the Casey and Cardinia region it is becoming more difficult to find enough volunteers to cover new areas.
The Commonwealth Games is another factor in the 2006 March Red Cross Calling Appeal because it cuts across the traditional Red Cross time slot.
Because of this, the appeal was brought forward by two weeks and starts officially on Monday, 13 February.
It will run to Monday, 13 March.
Narre Warren North Red Cross branch member Margaret Luxford has appealed for new helpers.
Margaret said it had become evident that more callers were needed and newcomers would be most welcome.
People who can help with Red Cross Calling are asked to ring district coordinator Neil Charman on 9796 8371, or Margaret Luxford on 9707 1452.