AFTER a slow first quarter ROC seniors produced power football to crush Dingley by 173 points.
At the end of the first quarter ROC led by nine points.
However, after that it was oneway traffic, as the Dingoes had no answer to the pace of Anthony Young, Dean Blake, Michael Barker and the rest of the ROC running players.
Although clearly outclassed on the day, the Dingoes tried hard and put together several good passages of play.
Scores: ROC 30.29.209 d Dingley 5.6.36.
Goals – ROC: K. Quinn 6, B. Jones, C. White 5, C. Williams, M. Barker 3, D. Blake, S. Stanton, J. Goodes 2, M. Castricum, D. De Jong, 1.
Best – ROC: Anthony Young, Kevin Quinn, Dean Blake, Michael Barker and Darren De Jong.
A dominant first quarter, followed by consistent pressure throughout the game, helped the Kangaroos record a comfortable win over Dingley in a onesided game.
Although the depleted Dingoes side tried hard and stuck to their task for the full four quarters, they were no match for the pace and superior skills of the Kangaroos.
All the ROC players contributed to the victory.
Scores: ROC: 26.20.176 d Dingley 3.3.21.
Goals – ROC: A. Jones 6, S. Marchetti 5, P. Johnson 3, S. White, L. Pitcher 2, C. Glen, J. Overdyk, R. James, S. Webster, S. McIntyre, D. Phillips, S. Rankin, S. Sullivan, 1.
Best – ROC: Sean Marchetti, Sean Sullivan, Ryan James, Anthony Jones Peter Quinn.