There’s lots to report

CONTROVERSY is growing over the City of Casey Rate Review Committee final report.
This is a review that should have been conducted more than 10 years ago, but has always been one of those things put in the too hard basket.
Hard it is and this means that the whole issue is difficult to understand.
Consequently, people on either side of the conflict are in a position to pick one or two items from the report and develop a strong argument for or against any form of rate rationalisation.
The big question about this review is whether or not one section of the community has been given favourable recognition and whether or not one section of the community would receive unfair benefit in the event of a rationalisation of how rates are levied.
The arguments appear to be based on whether the council should stay with its capital improved valuation or go to some form of variable rating system.
The report is long and comprehensive and should at least be accepted as a worthy reference document.
I’m still trying to wade through it, but it does have a shortened executive summary.
Other documents and opinions I hear and see indicate to me that the rate review document is a useful and informative work, but still only the basis for much more thinking, planning and consideration of just what is fair in this unpopular area.