Distorted view

CHERYL BillingSmith (Gazette, 7 September) has mounted her hobbyhorse again and is in full flight, demonising our elected representatives and bemoaning the death of democracy.
She implies democracy is dead because a certain councillor says so. Now perhaps for the sake of credibility, accountability and transparency you quote some instances to lend that assertion some integrity. We are waiting.
She proclaims her passionate advocacy for democracy. The rest of us are not altogether comatose and unaware of our environment, and thus not in need of such advocacy and leadership.
Harping on the $146.10 affair raises the question of transparency and accountability.
It is clear that, had the concerned councillor acted in accordance with those principles, the issue would never have arisen.
A request to substantiate the claim of council expenditure of $20,000 on this issue is in order. The source of this figure is of particular interest. Based on logic, the alleged cost should be met by the obstructionist councillor, not by the ratepayers.
The socalled maverick and controversial councillor must have a political death wish, or a very distorted perception of social interaction. His faculties must have deserted him again by declaring he is ashamed of his fellow councillors. How can he, after this public outburst, face them and hold his head high?
As for voice of the people by John Dudley (Gazette, 31 August), I must say his contribution is not as entertaining as were the Heartbalm articles in the Truth years ago.
Stefan Mendi,
Nar Nar Goon North.