By Jim Mynard
MATERNAL and child health (MCH) lactation services and sleep and settling programs are available to families with children from the age of birth until they begin school.
Casey’s manager of family and children’s services, Russell Hopkins, said some women found breastfeeding a challenge, and that the service ran by the City of Casey provided support.
He said State Government data showed that in the City of Casey the number of women breastfeeding was low compared to Melbourne metropolitan figures. “The MCH service particularly supports parents coping with the demands of early parenthood,” Mr Hopkins said.
“An outreach program for families unable to access a MCH centre is also available.
“The MCH lactation service provides support, information, health promotion, early identification and intervention at 27 centres across the City of Casey.”
Mr Hopkins said Casey’s sleep and settling service was developed to provide strategies in sleep and settling for infants.
“Sleep and settling information sessions are held on a monthly basis around the municipality to help parents establish better sleep and settling patterns for infants.”
Further information is available on 9705 5200.