Casey looks for young ambassadors

THE City of Casey wants young people 15 to 25 to become Casey youth ambassadors.
The council also wants young people to attend the Australian Sister Cities Association conference in the City of Latrobe during September.
Casey youth and community development manager Janette Green said the youth ambassadors group participated in community and council events.
“The ambassadors program aims to encourage young people to learn about their local community and world cultures, enhance their leadership and personal skills, and develop friendship and social networks around Australia.
“The ambassadors work at raising the positive profile of young people and strengthening connections to the council and Casey’s sister cities, Berwick upon Tweed, England and Springfield, Ohio, USA.
“They are also involved in civic events and activities such as citizenship ceremonies, the Casey International Exchange Students Dinner, People in the Parks events, the Berwick Show, Riding of the Bounds and Young Leaders Program.”
Young people who join Casey Youth Ambassadors can participate in a range of opportunities, one of which is this year’s Australian Sister Cities Association Conference, hosted by the City of Latrobe, in Gippsland from 25 to 28 September 2005.
Delegates will be required to contribute towards the conference costs.
Ms Green said youth ambassadors attended the conference each year to participate in leadership workshops, learn about diverse cultures and the sister cities movement, develop interstate and local networks, and make new friends.
Further information is available from Casey youth development officer Deilia Murray, email or phone 9705 5200.