Golf heats up at Drouin

NINETYsix players braved the heat at Drouin on Saturday to participate in the stableford event run in conjunction with the Ficifolia Festival.
A Grade winner was Mark Wootton (9) on 41 points, runnerup Phil Thomson on 40 on a countback from Steve Davey and Dean Robbins.
Wayne Robbins was next with 39.
B Grade winner was John Robbins (18) with the day’s highest score of 42 points.
Runnerup was Geoff Closter with 40, followed by Russell Seadon on 39.
New member Warwick Baum (28) had his first win with 40 points from runnerup John Gardiner on 36.
Nearest the pin: 5th George Connor, 8th (pro pin) B. Millership, 14th G. Grant, 17th Mark Wootton.
Balls down the line went to 38 on a countback and the CCR was 71.


Last Wednesday a great field of 111 players took to the course and the scores were heating up like the weather.
John Wolswinkel (14) won A Grade with 43 points from runnerup Fred Barton on 40. Leigh Greening and Cameron Snell both scored 39, followed by Dave Anderson and Kevin Johnson who each returned with 38.
Keith Andrew (28) was the star of the day winning C Grade with a massive 45 points.
John Gidley was runnerup with 39 followed by Noel Brereton on 38.
Nearest the pin: 14th Mick Hamilton, 19th Ron Brown, 23rd (pro pin) Vin Bibby.
Balls down the line went to 38 and the CCR was 71.


Keith Andrew also shared in the winning last Thursday for the senior nine hole comp.
Keith’s score of 22 points was equalled by Garth Quenault and Charlie Hardy. Lester Smethurst, Bruce Horskins and Barry Baskett all returned with 19.
Stay tuned next week for all the proam results.


Tuesday, 13 February was President’s Day for the Drouin women golfers, and 38 players contested a stableford event with a secret nine holes.
The CCR was 38 points.
The secret nine was won by Wendy Hitchins with 42 points. A Grade winner was Shirley Todd with 42 points, and the runnerup on 38 was Bev Goodwin.
B Grade winner with a score of 46 was Marion Devlin. In Devlin’s great score was a birdie on the 24th, which actually bounced off a live birdie and into the hole – luckily the bird wasn’t hurt but staggered away with a slight headache. The runnerup was Dagma Forbes with a score of 43 points. Nearest the pin on the 14th was Jill Brenchley and on the 19th was Shirley Todd. The propin was won by Bev Goodwin.
Down the line balls went to Mildred Lyon 38, and Margaret Murray, Lorna Hoskins and Von Kenny all on 37.
There are four broken handicaps – Marion Devlin, Wendy Hitchins, Shirley Todd and Dagma Forbes.
Congratulations to Glenda Warren and Mary Clark who won the RACV 4BBB qualifying round at Trafalgar recently.
Glenda and Mary will be off to play at Cape Schank and National to play in the finals.
Robyn Eacott was successful in the playoff with Nerida Hammond for the Match Play Championship, sponsored by John Isles Transport. A presentation will be made later.
The Thursday ninehole seniors competition was won by joint winners Nola Gwynn and Monica Gidley, both with 23 points. The runnersup were Bev Pollard 22, Margaret Mitchem, Audrey Smethurst and Ann Roberts all on 21 points, and Mildred Lyon on 19.
The monthly barbecue has been postponed to 1 March. Members are also reminded that the fees will be increased to $3 on 1 March.
This week is the Drouin and District Community Bank ProAm and the usual Tuesday competition will be held tomorrow (Thursday), with a stableford event.
Next week is 3BBB stableford in conjunction with the Peugeot Classic 3BBB qualifying round.