Main streets looking good

KOOWEERUP’S facelift is complete.
Residents can now take pride in the beautification of their main streets with the completion of the streetscape works.
The works were funded by Cardinia Shire Council’s capital works budget and completed in several stages.
The final stage, costing $180,000, was jointly funded by council and the State Government.
Council said the streetscape works provided a safe, uniform pavement height and texture to increase safety for all users but especially those using wheelchairs or motorised vehicles, prams and strollers.
The works have also provided a more attractive footpath, helping to beautify the township.
“Before the streetscape works, the street environment was pretty substandard following several upgrades to the pavement and ongoing maintenance to the underground utilities,” said Mike Ellis, general manager assets and services for Cardinia Shire.
“ The resulting pavement was very patchy, varied in level, colour and texture.
“The new streetscape works aim to improve not only the overall look of the area but to ensure the safety of all users.”
Peter Huxtable and Barry O’Hehir were the local concreting contractors responsible for the streetscape works.