Market news ‘super’

By Sarah Schwager
A NEW supermarket has been approved for Bunyip, with Cardinia Shire Council hailing it a catalyst for the further development of Bunyip.
Council delegated the permit on Friday to build the supermarket, which is expected to cost more than $2 million, as well as two specialty shops and 83 car parks.
The 4256square metre site, which lies between Main Street and Railway Reserve, will also accommodate a mobile library and bus services.
Cardinia Shire chief executive officer Don Welsh said onsite construction would start in March and was expected to be completed by this time next year.
Mr Welsh said the plans, which had taken two years to approve, demonstrated council’s role in economic development.
He said council acquired the land off VicTrack, which owns all public train and trambased land and infrastructure in Victoria, and repackaged the land, making it available for the supermarket providers.
He said a number of jobs would be created by the new supermarket.
Mr Welsh said improvements to Bunyip’s drainage system would also be integrated into the supermarket developments and would be funded by council.
“The supermarket will be a real anchor for Bunyip and the Bunyip district,” Mr Welsh said.
“It is a really important service and will make access a lot better.”
The developers of the site are the current owners of Bunyip’s only mini supermarket, AUR Foodstore.
Newly elected councillor Bill Pearson said the development was welcome news and would have long term benefits for the community, and would also shift the shopping emphasis in the town.
Cr Pearson said council would also be improving Bunyip’s streetscape to make the town look more modern and progressive.
“This is the biggest thing to happen to Bunyip in the 25 years that I’ve lived here,” Cr Pearson said.
“People have waited a long time for this.”
A council planning officer, local builders and real estate agents met with Mr Welsh and Cr Pearson on Monday to look at the Bunyip strategy, which assesses what improvements and demands are required planningwise in the area.
The strategy will be exhibited in March or April next year.