Matt makes his mark

PAKENHAM golfers played a par event on Saturday with Matt Yusoff taking the overall honours with a top round.
Good scores were recorded across the day, played in perfect conditions for golf.


Men played par. The winner was Matt Yusoff with a great + 5, the winner of AGrade was Steve Levett with + 2 and Tony Smith won C Grade with + 5. Down the line balls go to Andrew Wraight with + 5, Robert Bigg + 3, Brian Bateup + 2, Gavan Warburton + 2, Mick Boyd + 2, Robin McCrae +2, Michael Davey + 1, Arthur Ellis + 1, Rob Wedlock + 1, Bob Batten + 1, Phil Tunstall + 1, Shane Wilkinson + 1, Steve Chapman + 1, Ray Hewitt + 1, Rob Sandiford + 1, Gary Westwick + 1, Dean Jones + 1, Russell Hladky, Scott Milnes, Jeff Paterson, John Campbell and Paul Hobson who came in even.
The nearest the pin on the second hole went to Scott Milnes, the fifth hole went to Rob Curtis, the eighth hole was Grant McKay, the fourth hole was Frank Morris and the sixth hole second shot was Matt Yusoff.
The longest drive for Agrade was Scott Milnes, the Bgrade longest drive was won by Martin Spurway and the Cgrade longest drive went to Roland Dean.
Next week is the September Monthly Medal, the following week is Multiplier Stableford.


The Jock Ritchie Memorial Day is coming up on 10 September. Get a partner and come along.


The AGM is on Thursday 7 September.


31 players, Stableford. Ken Marker 42 points, Robert White 41. Down the line balls: Glenn Charles 37 points, Brian Doherty 35.
Nearest the pin on the eighth hole Arthur Ellis, 14th Peter Lawlor.


56 players, Single Par. Vilie Koroknai + 4. Ron Carroll and Glenn Charles + 2. Down the line balls: Harri Capobus + 1, Eric Butcher, Malcolm Clay, Cliff Pain, Steven Chapman, Stuart Hare even, Colin Campbell, Robert Morley and Brian Bateup – 1.
Nearest the pin on the second hole Max Cole, eighth Noel Bonne, 14th Cliff Pain.


Anthony Colvin came in with 39 points to win from Rob Morley with 39 points.


The ladies conducted their annual general meeting and the committee remains the same. Thanks to Mike Carroll who gave a very interesting talk on CPR. No golf was played because of bad weather.
On Saturday the ladies played par. Bianca Walker with + 2. Down the line balls: Viki Maxwell, Loretta Stewart and Kerri Davey. The nearest the pin second shot on the 16th hole: Maria Warburton.