Councillors get

I WAS elated to hear that the independent panel appointed by the Planning Minister had recommended that amendment C66 be abandoned for a variety of reasons, some of which were raised by those of us objecting to the proposal.
Needless to say most of the councillors who supposedly represent this community are outraged that the panel did not find in their favour, especially after they had poured copious amounts of our money into this preposterous scheme.
I would in fact be interested to know just how much has been spent on this ludicrous redevelopment plan and indeed how much more they feel they can justifiably spend to carry on fighting something that neither the residents nor wider community want.
All residents and ratepayers must demand accountability for monies paid to the council in order that they run the shire on our behalf. It is quite apparent that those elected to work for us are definitely not listening to what we want for the future of our shire.
The main priority appears to be more and more highdensity housing developments.
Presumably the powers that be will not be happy until every spare parcel of land has been swamped with houses.
The question is where all the families in those houses are meant to spend their leisure time – certainly not on the hectares supplied by residents many years ago for public use or in an outdoor pool that has been allowed to go to wrack and ruin.
Those who live to the east of Pakenham need recreation facilities such as parks, bike tracks, walking tracks and wetlands, none of which would cost millions, unlike an indoor pool.
So, if the golf course must be relocated, how about using the land in question for its rightful purpose, recreation (and flood control, of course).
Hopefully the November elections will see some new blood working for us. I certainly don’t have any faith or confidence in the majority of councillors we employ.
Marjorie Richmond,