Councils shun Casey graffiti forum

By Jim Mynard
ONLY 10 of Victoria’s 78 councils attended a graffiti summit called by the City of Casey.
Casey mayor Kevin Bradford said he believed the lack of attendance at Casey’s Mayoral Summit on Graffiti was because the Municipal Association of Victoria (MAV) had scheduled a similar forum for Wednesday, 18 October.
He said also that many country councils were not affected as much by graffiti.
“I had calls from mayors who said they would not attend because they would be at the MAV state forum, but our forum strengthened the resolve of participants to take the issue forward,” he said.
He said the summit was an opportunity to share the success and principles of Casey’s graffiti management program and to highlight the need for a united front of councils across the State.
“We need this in partnership with State Government to address the social and economic impacts that graffiti has on communities and public transport users.
“I congratulate the representatives who attended for their commitment towards taking a hard line against graffiti in our communities.”
Cr Bradford said that while the progress of Casey’s zero tolerance approach to graffiti and its eradication, education and enforcement principles has shown significant success, until there is a uniform approach across the State, other communities won’t be spared from graffiti vandalism.
“Participants at the summit unanimously agreed that more was needed on a State and Federal Government level.”
Cr Bradford will be a guest speaker at the upcoming MAV’s State Forum on Graffiti on 18 October.
He will continue to urge councillors across the State to strongly lobby for an effective program from the State Government.
“The long term success of local graffiti management strategies, requires the cooperation, support and assistance of the State Government, as well as rail, water and energy utilities.
“When the State Government shares Casey’s zero tolerance approach to graffiti, the wider community will benefit from a neighbourhood they can be proud of.”
For more information on Casey’s Graffiti Management program contact Council’s Community Safety Team on 9705 5200.
To report graffiti in Casey contact 1800 VANDAL (1800 826 325). This hotline is open 24 hours a day and 7 days a week.