Health down on the farm

TIPS to make people healthy — and hopefully wealthy and wise — will be the focus of Rural Health Week.
Kooweerup Regional Health Service has organised several events, starting with men’s health and farm safety sessions at Pakenham stockyards on 16 and 17 May.
Free health checks, advice on healthy eating and exercise and diabetes monitoring feature among a host of healthrelated activities at the sessions which run from 9am to 2pm.
Former AFL footballer Paul Hudson and naturopath Leonie Blackwell will be guest speakers at a special event at the Lang Lang community centre on Tuesday, 16 May.
Entertainment and supper will be provided.
On 19 May, the focus shifts to Kooweerup Primary School with a healthy kids event from 1.15pm to 3.15pm.
Tai chi and relaxation activities, healthy eating tips and showbags will be on offer.
Further healthrelated activities will be held at McConnell’s Pharmacy from 9am to 6pm on 6 June.