New team at Kooweerup

THE Kooweerup community complex has a new committee of management.
Michael Duff, Wesley Head, Terrona Ramsay, Helen Lynch, Miriam Gillespie and Vinny Giuliano were last week endorsed by Cardinia Shire Council to manage the facility.
The committee’s appointment comes just under a year after management of the complex was handed back to council.
An officer’s report to council’s meeting on Monday said this was due to a number of factors such as a shortage of volunteer support, skills and resources.
Council was told that it was always intended for management of the facility to be handed back to the community.
The report to last week’s meetings said concerns and criticisms raised by past committee members had been acknowledged in the bid to appoint a new management committee with a strong skills base.
Applicants were assessed according to their business and financial management skills, administration or secretarial experience and customer service or public relations skills.
Cr Doug Hamilton said the management committee represented a very good group.
“I believe they will do the job quite successfully,” he said.