REVEREND John Maynard from Phillip Island Parish along with his wife and two teenage daughters joined us. He brought with him the message of service.
He played a game of Simon Says with the children and older members of the congregation. He changed this to Jesus Says and reminded us that we should walk in His way, help our neighbours and that we should remember that Jesus is with us everywhere we go.
Through a meditation of Mother Theresa of Calcutta we were reminded that God is with us always, 52 weeks a year and in all situations in our world (hunger, thirst, nakedness, loneliness, illness, unemployment, happiness, life or death).
He doesn’t forsake us. We forget and think that God is too busy but he is always our shepherd. As brothers and sisters in Christ we should serve each other.
Rev Maynard reminded us of our service through a story of a French scientist. He was distressed that people on a beach were collecting shellfish, cooking and eating them.
Further down the beach the scientist came across a man who was picking up starfish washed up on the beach and was throwing them back into the sea.
This was just one man who was helping; doing what we all should be doing.
Don Rewell spoke of his nephew who has been chosen to work with the Interfaith Program where 14 young Victorians will join with 26 other Australian young people to assist in outback areas.
After a week of preparation he is going to Tingha in northern New South Wales. Our prayers are with these young people as they do God’s work.
Church Council Elections. Each year half the congregational representatives on Church Council retire to be replaced through election. This year Wendy Rouse, Edgar Trotter and Betty Trotter retire and there are also two unfilled vacancies.
Nomination forms are available now for an election on Sunday, 11 December.
Christmas puddings are being made by Rae Webster as a post fete activity. If you would like one please sign up on the list in the foyer. $10 pudding serves 6. You can order larger ones.
This week:
Thursday, 24 November: 4pm: Launch of Christmas Bowl Appeal at Frankston H.S.
Friday, 25 November: 10.30am – 1.30pm: Community Drop in Centre.
Sunday, 27 November: 12.30pm: Christmas Dinner in the Church Hall. $10 per head with proceeds to Christmas Bowl Appeal. Ring Betty Trotter on 5944 3582 if you have forgotten to add your name to the list.
Tuesday, 29 November: 10am: Bible Study.
Tuesday, 29 November: 10am – Noon: Beehive Craft Group.
Coming Events:
Saturday, 3 December: International Day for People with DisAbility. Congregations are being asked to celebrate the abilities of people with disabilities in their worship that weekend.
Information can be gained from Synod’s Resource Officer, Sue Stork-Finlay 9251 6276.
“ The Lord is good; his love is eternal and his faithfulness lasts forever.” Psalm 100 V5.