Better and faster, says VLine

PEOPLE catching trains will soon be able to travel faster and more often, according to VLine.
Responding to concerns about changes to train services, VLine communications manager Dionne Lew acknowledged some customers had issues with the stopping pattern in the new timetable on the Gippsland line.
“VLine is listening to their issues and has asked that commuters send us the outcomes of their meetings so that we have a clear understanding of their collective concerns,” Ms Lew said.
“VLine has tried to address as many of the issues raised during the timetable consultation as possible, with about 90 per cent of customer feedback able to be incorporated into the new timetable which is a pretty good result.”
Ms Lew said with a complex statewide rail network it was difficult to satisfy everyone, however VLine was confident the new timetable achieved a good balance, with significant benefits for the vast majority of customers.
“In general VLine has had a very positive response to the timetable — for regular customers it’s an increase of more than 40 per cent in the service level at regional centres and this has been very well received.”