SCOUTS will join with the Australian Sister Cities Association for the ‘Gifts for Peace’ programs as part of their scouting centenary in 2007.
Scouts throughout the world are gearing up for a massive celebration of their 100th anniversary.
But one activity, in the centenary milestone is ‘Gifts for Peace’, which will involve scouts in Australia thinking about and learning about young people from other countries and other cultures.
It will involve communications between communities across borders and cultures by making and giving gifts of peace. Scouts Australia international commissioner Emma Barker said scout groups hoped to link with sister city organisations in their own municipalities to form links with respective sister cities overseas.
Scouts are already preparing for their centenary through projects that they will plan and organise with links to every country that promotes international peace.
Hopefully this will in some way provide a message to people in countries that do not seek a peaceful way of life.
My view is that the Australian Sister Cities Association is a good starter for this project because one of its best door openers is the mayortomayor contact it has established throughout the world.