Opportunities galore

PAKENHAM Opportunity Shop has again led the way in raising funds for the community.
More than $70,000 was raised by the shop this year.
Emergency services groups, including Pakenham SES and district CFA brigades shared a total of more than $40,000.
Op Shop committee secretary Helen Cook said a light luncheon at the annual general meeting was given to volunteers and recipients who received their cheques. “Everyone enjoyed meeting annually friends of all groups,” she said.
“Unfortunately it’s still costing over a thousand dollars in tip fees for unsaleable electric goods and dirty mattresses and broken goods,” she said.
The SES received $7000 while the CFA unit at Pakenham received $3500 and brigades at Nar Nar Goon, Toomuc, Pakenham Upper, Officer, Maryknoll, Tynong, Cockatoo and Bayles all received $3000.
CFA units at Beaconsfield, Kooweerup and Lang Lang each received $2000.
Pakenham Aged Care and the CaseyCardinia MakeaWish Foundation both received $4000.
The Allan Wade Foundation, AntiCancer Council, Pakenham Cemetery Trust, Pakenham Toy Library, Volunteer Care Group, Combined Churches and Outlook all received $2000.
The Arthritis Self Help Group received $1000 as did the Cardinia Civic Concert Band, U3A, St John Ambulance, Windermere Family Support Services and Yakkerboo all received $1000.
The Diabetes Awareness Group received $500.