THE Baw Baw Livestock Exchange Warragul fat cattle market last Wednesday saw 551 cattle, and Thursday’s cow and bull sale saw 391 cows and 32 bulls.
Wednesday saw prices remain steady at the fat cattle sale where the top price was 245.6 for a vealer from Neerim South.
Eighty-three heifers made to 195 cents, steers numbered 190 and made to a top of 205 cents and 254 vealers sold to strong demand with the heavier set animals selling five to 10 cents dearer, with a top price of 245.6.
The bull and cow sale on Thursday saw 423 head yarded.
The sale sold to strong demand with 32 bulls making to a top of 163.3 and 391 cows to 174.2 for weighed and $935 for unweighed.
One Limo at 360kg, 245c, $884, K. and J. Gourley, Neerim South. 1 Angus at 335kg, 233c, $781, B. and D. Davidson, Pakenham. 1 Limo X at 365kg, 229c, $836, B. Copelin, Warragul. 1 Limo X at 300kg, 228c, $685, S. Conway, Traralgon. 1 Red Baldy at 355kg, 225c, $800, P. and L. Dashwood, Garfield. 2 Angus at 305kg, 222c, $677, W.R. Griggs, Yarragon.
One Santa at 390kg, 205c, $799, L. Treadwell, Warragul. 1 Gelb. Vieh X at 395kg, 191c, $756, Mrs L. Bastin, Moondara. 1 Limo X at 410kg, 191c, $785, W. Nichol, Warragul. 2 Black Baldy at 483kg, 190c, $917, J. Molino, Warragul. 13 Angus at 487kg, 187c, $910, H.J. Heywood and Sons, Warragul. 1 Braford at 445kg, 185c, $825, L. Christian, Nayook.
Four Angus at 666kg, 182c, $1213, E.K. and G. Mullens, Thorpdale. 4 Angus at 600kg, 180c, $1080, E. Neill, Warragul. 3 Black Baldy at 610kg, 180c, $1098, M.B. Shaw, Tonimbuk. 2 Hereford at 515kg, 179c, $924, S. Blancato, Erica. 7 Angus at 540kg, 179c, $967, D. and V. Best, Mountain View.
One Angus at 440kg, 195c, $858, Mrs C. Cervi, Willow Grove. 1 Angus at 385kg, 185c, $713, Allaway and Martin, Warragul. 1 Red Angus at 385kg, 176c, $678, L. and M. Christian, Noojee.
One Friesian $920, S. and L. Pilla, Willowgrove.
One Gelb. Vieh at 615kg, 174c, $1071, Ebony Lodge, Willowgrove. 1 Welsh Black at 690kg, 169c, $1170, Epping Management, Longwarry. 1 Limo at 615kg, 163c, $1006, W. Barrett, Thorpdale. 1 Friesian at 555kg, 160c, $888, D. and K. Joyce, Seaview. 1 Limo at 755kg, 154c, $1162, J. and W. Stammers, Neerim East. 2 Red Angus at 690kg, 152c, $1048, L. and M. Christian, Noojee.
One Angus at 640kg, 195c, $1251, B. and Y. Mathers, Garfield North. 1 Belgium Blue at 860kg, 183c, $1573, G. and L. Bennett, Trafalgar. 1 Red Angus at 810kg, 176c, $1425, L. and M. Christian, Noojee. 1 Gelb. Vieh at 630kg, 172c, $1083, Ebony Lodge, Willowgrove. 1 Friesian at 840kg, 169c, $1421, N.J. Coster, Longwarry. 1 Hereford at 755kg, 166c, $1257, R.J. Sandy, Cloverlead.
The draw for 16 and 17 November is 1, Landmark; 2, Jolly; 3, Scott; 4, Gibbon; 5, Elders.