Author sparks imagination

Scot Gardner with year 10 students celebrating Book Week at Beaconhills. From left: Sarah McNeilage, Lauren Prosser, Rachel Quagliani, Adam Scot Gardner with year 10 students celebrating Book Week at Beaconhills. From left: Sarah McNeilage, Lauren Prosser, Rachel Quagliani, Adam

AUTHOR Scot Gardner created enormous interest when he spoke to year 10 students at Beaconhills College Pakenham last week.
Mr Gardner, who has to his credit books such as Burning Eddy, Gravity and White Ute Dreaming, regaled students with stories about his life and his books.
He advised students to ask themselves ‘what if’ when writing fiction and to follow where the question led them.
Beaconhills head of information services Joy Board said the writer, through his animated storytelling complete with didgeridoo playing, encouraged students to fully extend their thoughts and ideas when writing fiction.