Birds fly at Beaconhills

Summer matchplay winner Elaine Newman.Summer matchplay winner Elaine Newman.

IT was a day for birds of prey at Beaconhills Country Golf Course on Saturday with three players scoring eagles and one an albatross on the Old course.
Matt Collins led the bird swoop as he holed out for two on the parfive14th.
Not to be outdone, Brian Meneilly and Ben Taylor both eagled the 10th, while David McKinnon had his firstever eagle on the tricky third.
Matt Collins ‘twoforfive’ boosted his score to 41 points for an Agrade win.
Jim Kelly won Bgrade with 43 points and Barry Hickey was the Cgrade winner with 45 points.
The afternoon junior ninehole competition was won by Luke Whitworth with a nett 29.


Barbara Mars played an excellent round of golf and was the winner of the daily competition with 44 points to runnerup Nick Sapet with 43 points.


On the Old course, Jimmy McEachern, playing off 12, won the Tuesday Agrade competition with 63 nett, while Ross O’Garey was the Bgrade winner with 67 nett.
Nearestthepin prizes were won by Sven Riisik on the second hole, Frank Unsworth on the 11th, Terry Geddes on the 13th, Les Richards on the 15th and David Moseley on the sixth.
David Moseley also won Thursday’s Agrade in the Stableford competition with 45 points.
Tony Toms was the Bgrade winner with 41 points.


On Ladies Day a threeball Ambrose event was won by Mary Padman, Deb Holland and Elaine Newman.
They played off a handicap of 15 2/3 and their 75 off the stick resulted in the winning nett score of 59 1/3.
Bev Eckhardt and Heather Hamilton both scored nearest the pins.
The Summer Matchplay Championship Trophy was presented to Elaine Newman.
Elaine overcame each of her opposing players, in spite of a steadily decreasing handicap.
The final was played against Helen Lange and Elaine was victorious 5/4.