Bowling club is playing its part

Left: Outlook representative Jade, Sally Anne, Eric, and Sally K.Above, from back: Outlook representative Jade, Paul, Carlos, Outlook representative Louise, Mark, Berwick Bowling Club (BBC) coach Ian, Kathryn and BBC coach Ron. Front: Jarrod, Sally Anne, Sally K, and Eric.Left: Outlook representative Jade, Sally Anne, Eric, and Sally K.Above, from back: Outlook representative Jade, Paul, Carlos, Outlook representative Louise, Mark, Berwick Bowling Club (BBC) coach Ian, Kathryn and BBC coach Ron. Front: Jarrod, Sally Anne, Sally K, and Eric.

BERWICK Bowling Club has hosted more than 800 people from schools and community groups as part of its community commitment.
The club’s new synthetic green has enabled bowls to be played allyear round and also provides for extra activity at the club.
Club coaches Ian McClusky and Ron Affleck coached guests from disability support centre Outlook during a day of bowls on Tuesday 23 August.
Board member Reg Rowswell said the day was a great experience with coaches surprised at the bowls’ skills on show.
“The club intends to make the Outlook visit a regular event,” Mr Rowswell said.