Choir raises its voices

Looking toward their open day at the Old Cheese Factory are (from left) Aislinn Webb, Joshua Cooper, Nicole Billimoria and Caitlin Webb.Looking toward their open day at the Old Cheese Factory are (from left) Aislinn Webb, Joshua Cooper, Nicole Billimoria and Caitlin Webb.

THE Berwick Youth Choir (BYC) will hold an information day for new choristers at the Old Cheese Factory, Homestead Road, Berwick, from 10am2pm on Monday.
The open day follows new appointments and restructure of the BYC music staff.
Former music teacher and Kodaly advocate at St Margaret’s School Jean Heriot founded the choir in 1986.
The group has grown to become a highly regarded children’s choir in Australia and overseas.
Choir administrator Janie Webb said the board had appointed a new director of music and conductor of maggiore Christine Storey.
“Christine comes with a wealth of musical experience as conductor, teacher and singer,” Ms Webb said.
“She teaches music and voice at Toorak College, Mt Eliza and Caulfield Grammar School.
“Christine studied extensively in Australia and overseas and brings lots of energy and enthusiasm to the choir.”
Ms Webb said Nicole Billimoria was the new conductor of the choir’s piccolos, the BYC’s youngest training choir.
“Nicole teaches music at St Margaret’s Junior School, Berwick, and also teaches violin privately,” she said.
“She is a committed Kodaly teacher and will be a great asset to the music staff and to the piccolos in particular.
“String teacher at Haileybury Edrington Campus Tania Casey will continue as conductor of the older training choir, the mezzos.
“Deputy head of music at Haileybury Edrington, Coral Rafferty, is choir accompanist.”
Ms Webb said the information day would provide opportunity for prospective choristers and their families to meet with music staff.
She will also be available to discuss with parents placement of their children in the choir.
Ms Webb said the choir did not hold auditions for new choristers because the Zoltan Kodaly philosophy was that music was the birthright of every child, not just the musically gifted.
“Fees are also kept at a low level to make membership available to all families,” she said.
Further information is available from Ms Webb on 0408 515 699 or by email,