THE Berwick branch of the Country Women’s Association (CWA) has moved from the Masonic Hall in High Street to Akoonah Park.
Members will meet on the third Thursday of each month at the Young Farmers building in Akoonah Park.
Entry to the park is through gate five, off Cardinia Street.
Branch secretary Janice Morgan said the City of Casey had provided the CWA with a small grant to buy wool for knitting rugs.
Mrs Morgan said the rugs would go to nursing homes.
“Dolls are also made and donated to hospitals,” she said. “Casey Hospital has asked us to knit baby jackets, booties, and rugs needed for the dialysis ward.”
Mrs Morgan said other activities last year included catering, arts and crafts and singing for nursing homes.
She said a social group had just started to meet for coffee, lunches, movies and other outings.
The next meeting at Akoonah Park will be at 1pm on Thursday, 16 March when a guest speaker will discuss the cord blood project.