THE Berwick Bowling Club has to be listed alongside Casey Fields at Cranbourne as one of the great community and social successes in Melbourne’s southeast.
Both facilities have the ability to bring people together in a big way and both provide a pleasant environment.
The club has provided for schools with allyear bowling, for handicapped people, corporate competitions, and groups such as retirement villages and ageingpositively organisations.
These people may not normally have the opportunity to enjoy the social and physical benefits of the ageold sport.
Casey Fields, nevertheless, still has much more to offer and we will see this area develop into a magnificent national destination point for a range of toplevel sports, plus passive recreation.
Activities will range from fishing through bird watching and walking, to toplevel cycling, cricket and football.
Both facilities have led the way in the topical issue of alternative water supply for sport with the use of rooftop and recycled water.
Both have embraced the wider community and both will prosper enormously.