Looking back five years to 1995

30 years to 1975:
THE Pakenham Shire was congratulated by the Melbourne Office of the Australian Freedom from Hunger Campaign after raising $3115 from a doorknock appeal. The Chairman for Pakenham Shire, Mr WK Taskis reported that the response in Pakenham had been great and urged all those who missed the door knock or were away to still donate money.

20 years to 1985:
GARFIELD Kindergarten celebrated a very successful pets day that left many cats and dogs wondering what all the attention was about. Each child brought along a pet to show to their friends and the end result was a mixture of cats, dogs, kittens, sheep, goats and birds. The day taught children how to better care for small animals and to take responsibility for their feeding and welfare.
Woolies arrives in Pakenham! A party of about 35 VIPs were given a guided tour through the new Woolworths supermarket in John Street. Among those were Errol and Alan Robinson who sold their Main Street supermarket to Woolworths in 1984. The new store boasted over 30,000 square feet of floor space.

10 years to 1995:
A ROAMING pet wombat belonging to wildlife shelter operators Reg and Jenny Mattingley of Maryknoll visited five families in the local district after wandering from home. Desperate for their furry friend to return, the Mattingleys letterdropped the area. Only then did they discover that Willie the Wombat had negotiated 15 kilometres with unknown quantities of dogs, cars and a fourlane highway.
The Pakenham district mourned the passing of Joan Abbott, known as a wonderful wife, muchloved mother and great friend. Mrs Abbott was founding member of the Toomuc Valley Art Group and was also a keen member of the Western Port Light Opera Company as treasurer, scene painter and chorus singer.
Julie Greetham replaced Carol Orr as president of the Beaconhills Country Golf Ladies Club at the annual meeting. Maureen Treby was elected vicepresident, Jan Fox treasurer and Marilyn Ford handicapper.
Five years to 2000:
ALICE Henwood of Lang Lang turned 100 on 31 October, 2000 and celebrated with a party at Yannathan Hall on Sunday. Alice was born to Henry and Margaret Waack of Queenscliff in 1900 and was one of nine children. Alice was a member of the Country Women’s Association and was well know for baking delicious sponge cakes. Over 100 people helped Alice celebrate a memorable occasion.
Teenage sailing hero Jesse Martin visited Casey Connections in Berwick to meet and greet fans as well as sign copies of his book Lionheart. Jesse was the youngest person to sail solo around the world and a large crowd of fans met the courageous teen, who said he encountered everything imaginable while on the seas.
Hillcrest College Ayr Hill campus head Tony Ham congratulated senior students and staff for responding quickly and effectively to the double school bush crash which left a number of children shaken and a bus driver seriously injured. The incident occurred on Narre Warren Cranbourne Road and senior students at the scene were commended on providing assistance and support to their younger peers.