Our day to be together

PAKENHAM’S Australia Day celebrations went off without a hitch, the Cardinia Cultural Centre allowing locals to escape from the 40degree heat.
Australia Day chairwoman Cr Kate Lempriere invited everyone to “share a snag” and welcome others into their lives.
“Today we celebrate what makes our country great,” Cr Lempriere said.
The Cardinia Civic Concert Band entertained the audience with different tunes, including the national anthem.
Cardinia mayor Bill Ronald asked people to celebrate what was marvellous about the country – the land, diversity, the indigenous people, freedom – and Cardinia.
“The shire is one of the best places on earth to raise a family,” Cr Ronald said.
Australia Day Ambassador, fashion designer and philanthropist Sally Browne, spoke of Australia’s “innovative, gutsy and kind people”.
“We are a unique bunch of people from the bush to the suburbs,” she said. “This is a day of recognition and respect, enthusiasm and excitement, gratitude and appreciation.”
Local MPs Russell Broadbent, Tammy Lobato and Jason Wood joined in the celebrations, as did the citizens of 2005, Graham Treloar and Mary Dillon, and Cardinia councillors Ed Chatwin, Graeme Legge, Doug Hamilton and Brett Owen.
Community Achievement Awards for outstanding contributions for the wellbeing of the community went to Yvonne Bennett, Cherylle Hampton, Lisa Heatley, Des Heatley, Lisa Loulier, Gloria O’Connor, Patsy Parnall, Ian Baker, Phil Scott, Ian Sterk, Dr Orrock Stewart, Inez Stewart, Ron Dyker, Rusell Dardiner, Elva Hamill, Ronald Pankhurst, Doris Williams, Melanie Van Diemen, Gembrook Sustainability Market and Saint Sophia Festival. The celebrations finished up with a free sausage sizzle, face painting, art exhibition, newsreel nostalgia films, a plant giveaway and information displays.