Pedal power pays off

CYCLISTS slogged to Sale on Saturday, raising more than $11,000 for Pakenham’s 4C’s (Cardinia Combined Churches Caring) Food Bank.
The 165-kilometre ride attracted almost 70 riders for the event, now in its third year.
Organiser Michael Wilson said he was thrilled with the success of the ride which is a major fundraiser for the 4C’s.
“We had one fellow, Dan Veith, who rode a unicycle for the last five kilometres while Nigel Louchridge and Ian Firth rode in tandem,” he said.
“It is the first time we haven’t been rained on. It went really well, the grand total so far is $11,500 and counting.”
Mr Wilson said riders left at 7.30am from Pakenham and rode down the Princes Highway to Sale. The first group arrived at about12.45pm with the last rider making it just after 4.30pm.
“We had beautiful weather all the way,” he said.