By Elizabeth Lillis
AFTER a small turnout at a recent public meeting on the Cardinia Shire Graffiti Policy, mayor Kate Lempriere is seeking further feedback from the community.
The council held a public meeting in Pakenham on Wednesday, 14 March, which was attended by only two people representing the communities of Gembrook and Lakeside.
“The turnout is disappointing as we are keen for the community to have their input on this policy,” Cr Lempriere said.
Central Ward councillor Brett Owen said the feedback received at the meeting was good and valuable for the council’s review of its graffiti policy.
Cr Owen said some councils had gone to the extent of putting in place local laws to control the storage and sale of spray cans, and this was one of the issues on which council needed feedback.
Under the council’s current policy, it encourages other businesses and organisations to accept responsibility for graffiti on assets they own which are visible to the public.
Cr Lempriere said she felt it was important that people took pride in the community and the policy was developed to enable this to happen.
Cr Owen said it may be the case that through changes to the policy the council provided some support or equipment for the removal of graffiti.
“This is another of the issues we want feedback on,” he said.
A feedback form for the policy review has been put together by council staff and 20 completed forms have been received so far.
Feedback is being sought from business, community groups and any interested members of the community.
The onepage feedback form can be downloaded from the Cardinia Shire Council website, www.cardinia.vic.gov.au.
Comments need to be received by 12 April.