Recycling systems bowling along

From left, Berwick Bowling Club  president Brian Parry, vicepresident Reg Rowswell, greens director Ken Graber and La Trobe MP Jason Wood.From left, Berwick Bowling Club president Brian Parry, vicepresident Reg Rowswell, greens director Ken Graber and La Trobe MP Jason Wood.

LA TROBE MP Jason Wood has highlighted the successful installation of a 160,000litre water recycling system at the Berwick Bowling Club.
Mr Wood used the Berwick success as an example and invited other organisations to apply for community water grants.
The club early this year successfully applied for a Federal Government grant to help meet the cost of installing the $50,000 system.
Club president Brian Parry said Elliot Irrigation completed the work five weeks ago and the three tanks were already full. The club invited Mr Wood back to inspect the work.
He said he was amazed at the immediate success of the system that was already a cost saver for the club because of water restrictions and an important part of water conservation.
“I encourage other groups to apply for the grant, but they need to be quick because applications for the next round close on 25 August.”
People interested in applying for the grant can contact Mr Wood’s office on 9762 4066.
Mr Parry said the club had a commitment to become self sufficient in water and power. He said the system caught the water at the lowest point on the site from where it was pumped to storage tanks by a selfactivated submersible pump. Some water is collected directly from the clubhouse roof for internal use.
“We expect to save $3000 a year in water costs,” he said.“The full system is calculated to supply our water needs without having to draw on the mains system.