St Michael’s jubilee ball is a hit

From left: Susan Chan, Mike Ferey, Pam Ferey, Father Peter Slater, Pauline Hetherton, Edrington Ward councillor Brian Hetherton, Sister Mary, Father Hugh Brown, and David Chan.From left: Susan Chan, Mike Ferey, Pam Ferey, Father Peter Slater, Pauline Hetherton, Edrington Ward councillor Brian Hetherton, Sister Mary, Father Hugh Brown, and David Chan.

ST MICHAEL’S Berwick continued with its jubilee year celebrations with a highly successful ball at St Francis Xavier College campus Berwick on Saturday, 22 July.
Organiser Susan Chan said the ball was a wonderful success with a full house at the junior school hall.
Mrs Chan said official guests included Edrington Ward councillor Brian Hetherton and Mrs Pauline Hetherton, Sister Mary, parish priest Father Peter Slater, and Father Hugh Brown.
“Funds raised from the ball will go towards the Bishop Family Foundation.”