Stableford success at Beaconhills

Beaconhills 4BBB matchplay Winter Cup winners Kim Pitcher and Ros Harding.Beaconhills 4BBB matchplay Winter Cup winners Kim Pitcher and Ros Harding.

THERE were Stableford winners galore at Beaconhills Country Golf Club when competitions were played on both the Lakes and Old courses on Saturday.
The winner on the Lakes course, on a countback, was Sean Gray (handicap 11) with 33 points.
The Old course had three grade winners A Grade: Lou Skantzos (handicap seven) 38 points on a countback, Bgrade: Neil Mills (handicap 19) 41 points and Cgrade: Arthur Bailey (handicap20) with 42 points.
The junior winner of the ninehole competition was Andrew Cameron (19) with a 33 nett.


It was 15yearold Ben Taylor (handicap seven) the winner on a countback with 41 points to runnerup Mick Timmins (10).


These were all played on the Old course.
On Tuesday the winner was Lindsay Martin (15) 41 points and the runnerup was Bert Gruber (21) with 40 points.

@BT Sub Sport Gaz:WINTER CUP

On ladies day, Wednesday, four players contested the final of the Winter Cup for 2006, a handicap matchplay event.
The ultimate result saw Ros Harding and Kim Pitcher defeating Helen Lange and Lida Patak.
The rest of the field played Stableford, with Ann Felgate (13) winning with 35 points. Ann also secured the Agrade propin, while Gillian Lewis was the Bgrade propin winner.
Nearestthepin winners on the sixth and 15th were Jean Wheatley and Maureen Hill respectively.


The clubhouse saw plenty of social activity during the week, with the Robbie Williams Tribute Show entertaining a full house on Friday night.
The trivia show provided a lot of fun and some challenge on Saturday night.
The lead changed several times and the eventual winners were Denis Hooper’s table ‘The Swallows’.