Surprise gifts of hope

Berwick Lodge Primary School students, back row from left, Danielle  Broadhurst, Kelly Hine, Milena     Paradowski, teacher Sandra McCrum, and Bryce         HillBuxton. Front row, Ethan Sango, Adam Francey, Priyanka Niresh and Dylan Simons.Berwick Lodge Primary School students, back row from left, Danielle Broadhurst, Kelly Hine, Milena Paradowski, teacher Sandra McCrum, and Bryce HillBuxton. Front row, Ethan Sango, Adam Francey, Priyanka Niresh and Dylan Simons.

CHILDREN at Berwick Lodge Primary School have been learning that children in other parts of the world need their help.
They have been hard at work filling shoeboxes with goodies to be sent to orphans and destitute children in other parts of the world. They have in this process embraced the Christmas spirit.
With guidance from their teachers, they collected items that they thought their overseas friend would need.
Something to eat, something to wear, or a toy to play with, along with items for personal grooming, including hair and toothbrushes, went into each box.
The children said they had hoped to fill two boxes for each grade, one for a boy and one for a girl, making a total of 64 boxes, but they collected enough items to fill more than 100 boxes.
These will be sent to Cambodia.
Teacher Sandra McCrum, who assisted in the organisation of the project, said students responded enthusiastically to the program.
Mrs McCrum said it was heartwarming to see the spirit of giving in our children and the genuine concern they had for the plight of children in places like Cambodia.
The boxes will be sent through Operation Christmas Child, which has been sending Christmas boxes to children around the world for the past 15 years.