They all had a ball

Evil stepsisters Drisella, played by Sarah Pursell and Anastasia, played by Tara Dowler, lived up to their nasty name.Evil stepsisters Drisella, played by Sarah Pursell and Anastasia, played by Tara Dowler, lived up to their nasty name.

By Rebecca Fraser

GLASS slippers, wicket stepsisters, and a magical fairy godmother were all on show last week when the all time classic fairytale Cinderella came to life in Berwick.
As part of a special school holiday showing the Adlib Children’s Theatre Company performed the classic in the beautiful gardens of the Old Cheese Factory.
The production featured all the characters young audiences have grown to love and hate including the evil stepmother.
The fairytale followed Cinderella’s journey to the ball where she found her prince, lost that famous slipper, and then with a little help lived happily ever after.
This was Adlib’s sixth summer season in the gardens of the Berwick Old Cheese Factory and children also had the opportunity to meet with, and get autographs from all their favourite fairytale characters after the show.
The company also played one show at the Cardinia Cultural Centre in Pakenham.

Below: Fairy Godmother, Tracy Peat made a quick phone call and with a wave of her wand helped Cinderella, Corinne Peat, get to the ball.