By Paul Dunlop
OAKTREE Drive residents got some bad news in the mail last week.
Most of the Pakenham street’s letterboxes were smashed by vandals.
Letterboxes along the street were either completely destroyed or badly damaged in the attack, believed to have happened overnight one night last week.
The trail of destruction dismayed residents, some of whom wondered whether it was connected to a previous incident at the nearby Pakenham Golf Course.
Greenkeepers were devastated last year when one of the course’s greens was defaced by vandals who carved an obscene message into the turf.
Police are investigating the latest attack in which stickers were also stuck on to letterboxes, fences and signs.
Resident John Barclay was one of several householders who woke to find their property had been damaged.
“Quite a number of letterboxes in the street were either knocked down or badly dented,” Mr Barclay said.
“They must have kicked them down or knocked them off with a stick or something.”
Another resident who did not wish to be named said she felt ill at the thought of somebody trespassing on to her property and causing such damage.
“Who would do something like that?” she said.
Anybody with any information is urged to contact Pakenham Police on 5941 1033.